Midyear Online Camp - Contest 04

Contest link: https://codeforces.com/contests/268094

A. Hardest Problem

Credits: Khaled Rezk

Think for a minute, would the number of elements in an array change after sorting it?

So actually the answer is trivial, take the first integer (the number of elements in the array) and print it!

B. Count Digits

Credits: Khaled Rezk

you’re asked to find the number of digits in $a \times b$ one hack is just to cast them to string and print the size of that string however the better solution is to use Math! the number of digits in integer N in base B is $\left \lfloor{log_b (n) + 1}\right \rfloor$

C. Cashier

Credits: Khaled Rezk

the problem is to find the optimal assignment of coins to make n using 1,3,4. so the best way is to think of the problem as an equation $4x + 3y + z = n$ and $x$ the number coin 4, $y$ number of coin 3, $z$ is the number of coin 1 so our goal is to minimize $(x+y+z)$. easiest way is to try all possible assignments of $x, y, z$ and print the minimum.

D. Sum Them All

Idea by Khaled Rezk, written by Kerollos Magdy

This part “Khaled told Koko about the problem after an exam” is true by the way.

”$(0 \leq S \leq 10^{100})$ the first integer”. $10^{100}$ WHAT! Is there even a data type that can handle this huge integer. Yup, a string, why not? And we can easily convert the second integer to a string and compare them!

E. Sort my marks

Credits: Kerollos Magdy

You are asked to calculate the $percent = score/total$ for every subject and sort the subjects according to the results of the percent, highest percent first.

Same solution written in a different way.

You can view or download all the solutions.