Midyear Online Camp - Contest 02

Contest link: https://codeforces.com/contests/267343

A. Whatever

Credits: Kerollos Magdy

As always this was the easiest problem of the contest.
You are asked to concatenate two characters.

B. Kokoz Hair

Credits: Khaled Rezk

In this problem the only hard part is to calculate the score of each one of the players however the implementation is very straight forward as problem definition. A Good practice is to solve the problem by writing a function. A function score that takes parameter a single integer the choice of each player and returns his score instead of copying and pasting same block of code to calculate the score for each of them.

C. khaled cheating

Credits: Khaled Rezk

In this problem the tricky part is to understand the the mapping from form1 answers to form2 answers and after that the problem is a piece of cake! Let’s take the first Example “If form1 has 3 questions 1,2,3 and their answers are A, B, D. and form2 has the questions of form1 but in order 2,3,1 then answers of form2 should be B, D, A!” that means answer of question 1 is A, answer of question 2 is B, answer of question 3 is D and so on answer of question i is the ci character. In from 2 order first question is question2 which answer was B, second question is 3 which answer is D, and the third question is 1 which answer is A so form 2 answers should be B,D,A respectively. Understandings the mapping makes the problem trivially implemented as follows, first we save array A which is the order of questions in form2 then read second array answers of form1 from index 1 to n as answer[i] is the answer of i-th question finally we simply print answers of form2 using their order.

D. Count my colors

Credits: Kerollos Magdy

The problem was very simple it needs you to calculate m to the power of n.
The tricky part was to figure out how to use mod properly.
You must take mod every time you do multiply.
You must use long long datatype.
You can watch Mostafa Saad’s video Number Theory - Modular Arithmetic.

E. Who gets it first

Credits: Kerollos Magdy

Since a queue is FIFO (First in first out), students who came first should receive their paper first. In the input statement you are given the name of the studnets from the last one to the first, so all you have to do is to print them in the reversed order.

F. Kerollos and OS

Credits: Kerollos Magdy

You are given a number of processes N. You have to determine which process has the maximum response time. All you have to do is to calculate the response time for each process and print the maximum value you get.

You can view or download all the solutions.